Students Employ Diverse Methods
In In this lab, we use a mixed methods approach. Depending on the research question, students employ experimental, survey, or qualitative methods.
Recent theses have included methods as wide ranging as: thematic analysis, quantitative content analysis, scale validation, multiple regression, hierarchical linear modelling, and factorial analysis.
Example Projects
- Work-Family Conflict: Consequences for Worker’s Health and Well-Being
- Experiences of Demands and Resources at Work Among Medical Faculty
- Women’s Self-Objectification and Self-Sexualization
- The Roles of Gender, Ethnicity, and Sexual Orientation in Experiences of Workplace Inequality
- Societal Income Inequality and Support for Redistribution: The Roles of Meritocracy and Social Mobility Beliefs
- Power and Status Differences in Small Teams: Consequences for Communication and Performance
- Climate for Ethical Decision Making in the Canadian Forces: The Importance of Supervisor’s Behaviour
- Inequality in the Workplace: A Scale Validation
- The Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Climate Scale