Welcome to Our Lab!
Who We Are
We are a Social-Organizational Psychology lab with specific interests in social justice issues. In particular, we are interested in disparities and inequalities that exist between groups in terms of their income, status, and power, within organizations and in society more broadly. We also examine the effects of experiences of inequality at work on employees’ wellbeing, performance, and health.
What We Do
The lab’s work focuses on inequalities in society (e.g., income inequality) and in the workplace (e.g., status, power, pay), as well as how the two intersect (e.g.,the effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups’ work-life conflict and ill-being). Much of the lab’s work is devoted to group-based inequalities, such as prejudice and discrimination, gender inequities in the workplace, and perceptions of diversity climate. Moreover, the lab investigates how people understand the causes of inequality (i.e., beliefs about meritocracy vs. cumulative (dis)advantage) and how such understandings affect support for organizational and societal redistributive policies. The lab partners with organizations to work on EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) and worker well-being, and gives talks to organizational and public audiences.