Dr. Son Hing is currently accepting I-O Psychology PhD and Masters students, as well as Independent Research Project (PSYC3240 & PSYC4240) students. She is also accepting volunteer research assistants.
To Apply
For undergraduate inquiries, please email gmascia@uoguelph.ca. For graduate inquires, please email sonhing@uoguelph.ca.
Please include the following in your email:
- Unofficial transcript.
- CV or resume.
- Academic writing sample.
- One paragraph statement expressing why you want to work in the lab/research interests.
- Please note: all graduate students applying must have completed an honours thesis in psychology.
Pro Tip: Read Dr. Leanne Son Hing’s research and be prepared to talk about it.

Dr. Leanne Son Hing has a strong commitment to student training, as she recognizes the pivotal role of mentorship and active involvement in a research lab as transformative experiences in one’s life trajectory. Dr. Leanne Son Hing believes that the meaningful inclusion of students in the research process is essential to a successful mentorship relationship.
Dr. Leanne Son Hing currently supervises four PhD and two MA students, as well as one Honours thesis student. She is also currently supervising an Independent Study Project (PSYC*3240).
Since 2015, five students have completed their MA and two have completed their PhDs under Dr. Leanne Son Hing’s supervision. All graduates are now practicing Human Resources Management Consultants. She has supervised fifteen undergraduate students in their roles as Honours thesis students, Independent Study students, and research assistants. Dr. Leanne Son Hing has also served as an advisory committee member for 7 graduate students. She currently has 6 papers in press, accepted, or under review that were coauthored with 13 current or former undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students. Since 2015, she has published papers with 5 different students. Nine students have presented, typically as first-author, at 16 conferences in the last six years. She has supervised graduate students in knowledge mobilization activities including partnership research with organizations, co-hosting workshops with students, and writing reports for organizational partners, and as consultants working for and liaising with clients.
Lab members often work in collaboration with or as a consulting specialist for Organization & Management Solutions Consulting.
Advising Philosophy
Dr. Leanne Son Hing’s goal is to conduct top-quality research in close collaboration with students. As a supervisor, she believes that it is her role to help students to develop their skills, self-efficacy, and autonomy. She tries to create an environment in my lab that is supportive and challenging. Students who work with Dr. Leanne Son Hing get a lot of guidance and feedback from both herself and from other students in the lab.
Lab Expectations
Dr. Leanne Son Hing expects students in her lab to be motivated, organized, courteous of others, hardworking, and to have burning intellectual curiosity. Junior students work with Dr. Leanne Son Hing to develop a shared line of research. Senior students have the flexibility to select their own topic under the umbrella of social justice issues.